
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

Education institution is a place of building up a future nation an ummah civilization. Therefore, KHADIJA SCHOOL (KHAS) is taking this important role to be able to do the strategic steps and plans in achieving its vision and mission.

Indonesia has 3 best basic strengths, as the best human resources, the richest country in natural resources, and the super power nation since 11,000 years ago. These three strengths should change people’s current paradigm and states from feeling of being unintelligent, poor an inferior nation after being colonized within 350 years.

Therefore, Khadija School is established so as to augment future muslimah  generation who are able to prove the world that the muslimahs plays  important role are able to educate future world leaders. With the will of Allah, The Almighty this aim will come to happen. Aamiin.

Come and join to Khadija School, make your dream come true in augmenting future ummahaatus shalihah with their Al Quran memorizing (hafidz) and understanding Al Quran and Sunnah, critical, analytical and creative thinking, entrepreneurship and digital technology skills in the millennial era.

Thank you,

Mustafa Yamin

(Alumni The Pennsylvania State University, USA, International Education Senior Consultant, Alumni Pondok Modern Gontor)